Phew! It’s been a while… Haven’t been here for so long and kind of figured out that it’s maybe high time to put on some updates! I can hardly believe that the last post is from the end of January. Since then…
In the mood for Saigon.
One can get very mixed feelings about Saigon, especially when coming straight from visiting countryside and smaller cities. For me it was definitely…
A lil' Alpine week.
I've spent the last few weeks on continuous travels. After a stay in Italy and a short rest at home in Paris, I packed again my backpack and set off on another trip.
Italy all in white.
This year I definitely can't complain about the winter. After beautiful snowy aura in Prague and in Paris, I was once again surprised for how could anyone expect to be able to admire...
Sunsets or sunrises? Both!
So guys, this is it! It's getting a lil' bit warmer every day, the spring sun is heating up and the whole city finally became green and fresh-looking. This is why, almost every day I try to...